Audio documentaries and podcasts
Real spice of life type stuff
You can't eat a stadium
Tasmania has been awarded an AFL licence, with a catch. It’s a catch which has provoked a state wide debate, one which is complex and generational, and - about to reach boiling point.
A week after the licence was announced, producer Ed Gooden visits from the mainland to understand what’s going on.
Why are we so squished?
An audio vignette exploring a common fear, and the ways it is faced.
The Risk Equation
14 episode interview series unpacking the life and work of Australia’s biggest risk takers.
The Ethics of Dog Shit
After letting someone step in dog shit in an attempt to capture a documentary, producer Ed Gooden attempts to bring balance to the ethics of universe.
My name’s Ed Gooden, I’m a Melbourne based podcast producer.
I’ve been making audio for about three years, both for fun and work.
A lot of my work is an attempt to capture the little things in life. Humans being humans, and why they’re the way they are.
I’ll conduct interviews here and there, taking my recorder most places - just in case there’s something goin’ on